Internet - Long Distance

Shull Piano Inc.


and the

The Period Piano Center


Center for the study of the piano from 1850-1880

Museum of Erard and Steinway Pianos

25041 Redlands Blvd, Loma Linda, CA  92354

Store (Thursday, Friday, Sunday) 909 796-2100

Cell Contact 909 796-4226

Email Contact contact@shullpiano.com



Occasionally Shull Piano, Inc is asked to perform a service call - frequently an inspection of a prospective purchase - by an out-of-the-area party (“internet client”). I am pleased to provide this service, and can perform that service call under the following conditions, which, in addition to the actual agreement reached between the internet client and Shull Piano, provide the contractual basis for this type of service:

1.   The internet client will facilitate arrangement of the appointment (aid in contacting client, so that I do not have to spend inordinate time attempting to arrange the appointment).

2. The appointment must accomodate my schedule (that is, work into my current appointments and travel).  This may or may not permit an immediate appointment.

3. The party with whom the appointment is scheduled will need to accomodate the scheduling protocol (I schedule a block of time for arrival (one hour target arrival time, such as “10/11 AM arrival”) as well as typical scheduling difficulties which I encounter throughout the day (previous appointments occasionally run over, requiring a call ahead to the next appointment that the appointment will be later in the day).

4. I am an expert in piano service with a substantial working knowledge of hundreds of brands of pianos.  I can provide service in a way customary to the piano service business.  However, occasionally internet clients have special requirements beyond the normal range of evaluation and service.    Misunderstandings abound in this area, and I do my best to understand what is desired, but the internet client is expected to act reasonably, and to be informed (the purchase and perusal of Larry Fine’s “The Piano Book” will be of assistance here, as well as my “How To Buy A Piano” page on this site). While I can provide a rapid response by email and telephone after the service call, any photography will be subject to the normal time lag of my routine of film processing, and my normal hourly fee for this will apply.   

5. Telephone consultation is subject to billing.  The first 10 minutes are included in the service call fee.  Normal telephone contact to arrange an appointment is not subject to billing.

6. Internet client will, after authorizing service, follow through in a reasonable way.

7. Prepayment of service is expected. Typically an internet-authorized   service call will be $150 plus mileage.

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